you can be kind & have limits.

How to Stop a
Boundary Bulldozer.

hosted by:

April Boyd psychotherapist, coach & believer that you can be really kind AND set limits with people at the same time.

You might be dealing with a boundary bulldozer if...

  • They just want what they want
  • They don't seem to care how it impacts you or others
  • They constantly push for more from you than you can give
  • You find yourself saying yes just because you know it could start a big fight if you say no

If this sounds familiar, it's time to learn some new ways to set limits....

...especially with the ones who don't make that easy.

Join the workshop to learn how to:

  • stop stressing over what they think of you
  • quit putting their needs above your own
  • speak up without causing conflict
  • get really good at boundaries
  • protect your own time, energy & peace of mind.

Bring your notebook & a tea. We're going to work through this together.

Watch the Bold as Love Boundaries Workshop now:

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