heal your nervous system

with april boyd

breathwork mini-retreats

release. rebalance. reset.

your own healing is an act of service to the world.

This guided group breathwork experience is for you if you'd love to slow down & stop spinning, rushing and racing

...if you want to get out of overthinking, overworking & overfunctioning

...if you want to reconnect with more self-acceptance, purpose & inner guidance

Breathwork is an amazing & powerful way to:

  • release anxiety & stress
  • regulate & calm your nervous system
  • get out of fearful thinking and what ifs
  • let go of limiting beliefs & past hurts
  • connect with own guidance & intuition
  • feel more relaxed & aligned with your higher self

Our next mini-retreat is:

Sunday March 27 @ 9:30- 11:00 am Toronto time.

Cost: $25 CAD

Where: our virtual gathering place

one morning can change your whole week

get grounded. get clear.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.